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2024 Buyer’s Guide for Asset Tracking

Industry use cases, benefits, and tech reviews of RTLS, WiFi, UWB, BLE


Healthcare, manufacturing, workspaces, and other industries currently use real-time location systems (RTLS) asset tracking solutions to gain visibility of asset locations, but the benefits don’t end there. You also gain insights into utilization rates, inventory management, and cost analysis.

With proper RTLS asset tracking solutions, hospitals and other facilities improve operations and increase productivity:

  • greater efficiencies across the organization
  • streamlined processes that save time and money
  • “right-sized” inventory with an increased utilization

But what is the best RTLS asset tracking technology for your organization?  Inside this ebook, we explore the many benefits and considerations of asset tracking across multiple technologies and use cases.


Download this white paper to help evaluate what RTLS asset tracking solution is best for your organization.

Download the white paper