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ON-DEMAND WEBINAR:  Carpeted Enterprises Edition
Bridging the IT - OT Divide in Carpeted Enterprises: Why Facility Managers and IT Network Leaders Benefit From Working Together


Group 15130@2x


lucas hanson@2x

Lucas Hanson
Senior Product Manager


Rom Eizenberg

As the enterprise world prepares for the re-opening of building work spaces, both facility managers and network IT leadership face mounting challenges. 

For facility managers Back-to-Work initiatives introduce increasing demands for more flexibility in workspace utilization, building safety and security.  

Network-IT leaders face both old and new challenges, especially considering the increasing demand in delivering wireless mobility solutions inside buildings.

IoT has the potential to bring these two stakeholders together. Now built into Wi-Fi 6 access-points, IoT services are making available affordable solutions for key facility management challenges and shifting the conversation from the cost of the network to the return over network investment, driven by OT use cases, but more importantly, in improving business outcomes for the enterprise.


As the adoption of new IoT services continues to expand, we invite you to take 30 minutes and join Lucas Hanson, Senior Product Manager at Cisco and Rom Eizenberg, CRO at Kontakt.io, as they discuss:

  1. Understanding Carpeted Enterprise Building Challenges: Outlining a real-world case study and the problem at hand

  2. IT & Line of Business OT Perspectives: Two worlds, different perspectives, priorities & goals

  3. How IT-OT collaboration helps solve for Carpeted Enterprises challenges: case study outcomes, lessons learned and a playbook for quantifying buildings

  4. Open Discussion     


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