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How NGHS Protects 10K Caregivers and 1M Annual Patients with Kontakt.io

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Staff protected with smart badges


Patient Beds served


Location events created each day

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In 2022, NGHS chose to trust Kontakt.io with protecting its staff. Working with NGHS leadership, IT teams, and nursing staff, Kontakt.io delivers system-integrated wearable, location-aware BLE badges that send silent alerts at the push of a button.


As a result, security protocols and workflows are triggered instantly and incident response time goes from minutes to seconds, mitigating severe incidents before they escalate.

Hear from Chris Paravate, CIO at NGHS, and Philipp von Gilsa, CEO of Kontakt.io as they discuss NGHS’s operational transformation process and key results:


  • Scalable, rapid response solution for the acute challenge of WPV for 10k staff members with expanded impact across clinical workflows, patient experience, and the bottom line
  • Proven value and accelerated ROI for hospitals big and small with fast and easy deployment, systems integration, and minimal IT impact
  • Successful implementation of a Staff Safety solution as the first phase of NGHS’s larger operational transformation to optimize care delivery throughout the patient journey

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Providing Safer and Better Care with Technology

Chris Paravate

Executive VP and CIO at NGHS

What Kontakt.io is working [on] with Northeast Georgia is a unique combination and enables us to really drive that solution, not only in the emergency room, but in other care settings, inpatient, ICU, and procedural areas. That’s an important aspect of taking care of our employees so that they can take care of the patient and be in the moment.

NGHS did it. So can your hospital.

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