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The complexity of nursing: Unlocking high-impact, low-cost solutions to support and empower nurses


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The concept that a nurse’s duty is “caring for the patient” is a tragically simple viewpoint that disparages the role of nurses as well as the education and training required. The world of nursing is a complex, nuanced, and often chaotic environment. But there are now modern solutions to protect, motivate, and support the fractured workflows of nurses.

In this webinar, we’ll explore:

  • The true cost of nursing inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and errors
  • High impact solutions that reduce complexity, increase productivity, and support the multifaceted work of nurses
  • The path toward care delivery excellence through nurse empowerment and tech-driven workflow activation

With emerging technologies, health systems leadership have the opportunity to further empower nurses and unlock new efficiencies and support systems.

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